The Dutch Way of Moving

People in the Netherlands use bicycle a lot. They use uncommon forms of bicycle for transporting them self or goods. Most popular of  them are called the “oma fiets” or grandmothers bicycle with large diameter wheels and back pedal brake. With this feature they can cycle in a very comfortable way. Transporting goods can be quite unconventional for the unfamiliar person. Seeing a cyclist using a helmet in the Netherlands is a rarity and there are no laws enforcing the use of one either. The Netherlands is relatively flat, so an average cyclist will face no difficulties cycling in this country but there are other elements to be endured such as the formidable Dutch weather. This land is famous for its cycle tracks and it is possible to get to any place in the Netherlands entirely via cycle tracks, but cycle track is not always available in every city. So drivers have to concur with cyclist.  Dutch cyclists however can be more aggressive than car or bus drivers, especially bus drivers has to fight with those cyclist and some are real street acrobats as you can see from some of the pictures below!  There are special bike parks at the central station and these can take a lot of bicycles.

Two images credits to my wife Ambarum Sari.



Leiden 2010

cycling10 (1)Leiden 2010

cycling10 (2)

Leiden 2010


Leiden 2010

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Leiden 2010

cycling10 (4)

Leiden 2010

cycling10 (3)

Leiden 2010

RealDutch-wpLeiden 2010

cycling10 (6)

Leiden 2010

cycling10 (7)

Leiden 2010

cycling10 (9)

Leiden 2010

cycling10 (11)

Leiden 2010

cycling10 (14)

Leiden 2010

cycling10 (15)

Leiden 2010


Leiden 2010


Leiden 2010


Leiden 2010


Leiden 2010


Leiden 2010

Giro d'Italia01-wp

Leiden 2010


Leiden 2010

SaveMobileLeiden 2010




136 Responses to “The Dutch Way of Moving”

  1. Ronald Agusta Says:

    Sebuah contoh yang baik, bagaimana sebuah pesan dikemas dan disampaikan kepada khalayak, agar terjadinya sebuah perubahan, atau minimal adanya penambahan pengetahuan bagi publik. Dan elemen-elemen visual sekedar untuk menguatkan pesan itu.

    Ini esai foto yang bagus. Salute!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Terima kasih Ronald telah menyempatkan diri untuk mengunjungi dan meninggalkan komentar yang dapat dijadikan bahan renungan bagi semua. Benar pendapatnya, bahwa membawa sesuatu kepermukaan agar terjadi perubahan dalam pemikiran dalam kehidupan bagus adanya.


      Jos dan Sari

  2. Atsushi TAKAMATSU Says:

    How’s going Jos and Sari?

    I enjoy your photos, thank you!
    Bicycle is one of important and convenience transportation way in my hometown also.
    Actually, there is enough place to park it , so we can see the same scene of first photo on your blog.

    I love your photo’s tone and story, could you keep telling me when you update your blog?

    best regard

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Atsushi,

      we are fine, thank you! We would like to see those scene in your hometown. Would be interesting to see the difference. We will update you if we post something new, but if you want you can subscribe your self.

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  3. Hideki Kawasaki Says:

    excellent works! sense of energy in perfect composition.
    they convey quality nostalgia of authentic European photography.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Hideki,

      we are pleased you like our images and many thanks for your comment!

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  4. Tove Ask Says:

    Wow they are all so complitely great… them all…and thanks for sharing!!!
    We all should learn from the Dutch people to use bicycle much more…healthy for us and for the inviroment as well….!!!!!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Tove,

      thank you for your comment and visit. We are happy you like them. Yes, a rethink in how we work, move should have a great impact to our environment. Do you know, that in The Netherlands people are suffering from daily traffic jam. It is a crowded land.

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  5. Christian Schmidtke Says:

    sooooo viiiele schöne fahrräder …… und fotos!! 🙂

  6. Marinella Says:

    Thank you to let us know the habits of the place where you live.
    Also Milan cry for a greater number of paths. Every day I use bike and it is not always safe. We have to learn…….
    Very good photos, I like it so much

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Marinella,

      using bicycle in our home country is also not safe. There are no special cycle track so it is dangerous to use bicycle on the street of Jakarta.
      We are pleased you like our images. Thank you!

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  7. Christian Schmidtke Says:

    fahren in leiden eigentlich auch autos?? super fotos jos!!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Liebe Christian,

      danke fuer dein Kommentar! Ja hier fahren die Leute auch Autos 😉

      liebe gruesse aus Leiden,

      Jos Runarka und Ambarum Sari

  8. Fatih Gökmen Says:

    Wonderful pictures…thank you! Make me want to go to Leiden and drive bicycle:)

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Fatih,

      nice to see you here again :-). That’s fine to hear that our picture attract and encourage people to visit The Netherlands and specially Leiden. Thank you for your visit and comments.

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  9. Carlos Codina Says:

    Wikipedia: A bicycle, also known as a bike, push bike or cycle, is a pedal-driven, human-powered, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist or a bicyclist.
    Simply and beautiful, the meaning from bicycle and the photos from this post. I can picture my self how a lot of people looking these photos can bring to their minds a lot of good memories,.. black and white distributed dots…

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Carlos,

      thanks for the information. Why good memories? People should use more and more bicycle. It is good for the environment and for their own health. We sit minimum 8 hours at work so it is good to have some sport 🙂

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  10. Robert Rutoed Says:

    Great essay! Keep on bikin’ 🙂

  11. TINO NIETO Says:

    Preciosas todas las fotografías. Mis felicitaciones, Sari.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Estamos felices de que les gusten y muchas gracias por su visita Tino.

      saludos cordiales,

      Ambarum Sari y Jos Runarka

  12. budhi m soehono Says:

    Yes.. Great Photo Essay!! Excelent..!! Beautiful pictures..
    Senangnya bisa bersepedaan disana tanpa tergangu baik teriknya matahari maupun kendaraan bermesin

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Budhi!! Terima kasih banyak ya sudah mau meninggalkan kesan di blog kami. Iya sangat menyenangkan bisa bersepeda seperti di Belanda. Kapan ya kita bisa seperti itu di Jakarta?


      Jos dan Sari

  13. Peter Bouman Says:

    Great photo’s indeed, Jos! Thanks of looking through your eyes. Bicycling is now looking so special for me, though I’m doing it every day. Sometimes I’m thinking that Dutch mentality is for a big part influenced by bicycling, because you have so much more interaction with pedestrians and other bikers than in a car…

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Peter,

      thank you for leaving your impressions and thought on about our posting. We should hunt together if you want someday..

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  14. vero Says:

    love it! good concept.. i made once like this, about ‘becak’ (pedicab) in central java.. good pics anyway

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Vero,

      many thanks for your impression on our series. You should show us your essay on our indonesian becak. Let us know if you post that 🙂

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  15. Araakii Says:

    Such a bike friendly city! I wish my city was like that. There are a lot of hills in Seattle so biking is pretty tough. And in general Europe is much friendlier than the US.

    I like the photo with the girl holding an umbrella.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Thank you Araakii,

      I would say the US is not a bicylce friendly land, but I am sure it will change. The resource of our earth are limited.

      Thank you for your comment.

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  16. Liv Says:

    great pictures!!
    I like bicycling, now in spring it is wonderfull to move this way.
    It is always a pleasure to see your photos!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Liv,

      we are happy you like our images! Thank you very much for your visit’s on our blog.

      best regards from Leiden,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  17. Isidoros Prinos Says:

    Very nice work..Love the pictures and the bicycles..

  18. Simone Ochrym Says:

    These photos are iconic in nature. They capture the mystique of the old masters of black and white film photography. Well done, a pleasure to have been exposed to such wonderful pieces of art.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dearest Simone,

      WOW! Thank you very much on how you see our images and comparing them with the old masters. Seeing is an evolutionary process that change with experience and how you see life.

      Thanks again for your impression!

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  19. Silvano Says:

    Valuable collection of images!!!

  20. Baskoro Wardono Says:

    Jos and Sari,

    Great pictures … two thumbs up!!
    To complete your documentation about bicycle in Holland then you should try to find out when the “Gemeente van Amsterdam” will do the fishing of bicycles from the kanal there … normally they do it once per year …

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Baskoro,

      thank you very much for your information and your comment! Yes we know the fished bicycles from the channel every year. Recently Leiden did this too.

      best regards from Leiden,

      Sari and Jos

  21. Sebastian Lubarski Says:

    Great pictures!! It is always a pleasure to see your photos!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Sebastian,

      thank you for your regular visit on our blog and leaving comments on our post.


      Sari and Jos

  22. Accolti Gil Says:


    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Accolti,

      thank you very much for your impression on this post and visit.

      best regards.

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  23. Dickson Chow Says:

    Very nice writing & photos! I love so such!

  24. I Putu Adisaputra Says:

    saya angkat dua jempol di udara.. T-T knapa saya juga gak kepikiran buat ambil tema sepeda.. padahal di tempat saya di SHIZUOKA karena transportasi sulit rata2 penduduk lokal dan juga orang asing spt saya menggunakan sepeda buat alat tranportasi.. inspirasi juga buat saya.. great timing of the moment.. i love this set.. very nice atmosphere, that black and white makes the shot very memorable.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Terima kasih I Putu untuk komentarnya. Seperti apa kata orang-orang…fotografi adalah tentang melihat – photography is about seeing- dan bukan menyibukkan diri dengan teknik dan kamera.

      salam dan sukses di Jepang!

      Sari dan Jos

  25. Accolti Gil Says:


  26. Manfred Says:

    Great article and photos! I love bikes and city cycling – without helmet – in suit and tie, to work :).


  27. Pratiwi Setyaningrum Says:

    wow, complete review, cycling in all seasons! I like it!
    and you two’ve recording all ages, from youngster to elder, hehehehe, so complete I say! Good Job!
    thank you for sharing, mbak Sari, mas Jos, I feel honoured ^_^

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Thank you Pratiwi! Yes it took one year to collect those images. We also feel honoured!

      best regards,

      Sari and Jos

  28. Tweets that mention The Dutch Way of Moving « A Push for a Moment -- Says:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by peter julio tarigan, Photo District JKT. Photo District JKT said: Jos Runarka "The Dutch Way of Moving" – see the photographs here: […]

  29. Thomas Says:

    A push for a bicycle!

  30. Gérard Tournebize Says:

    the bicycle under all its moments good job

  31. Martin Jones Says:

    Brilliant work and very interesting thank you Sari.

  32. Andut Says:

    nice captures of the moments..
    what really made me interested was that as you said…that most of the bicycles that are used in Holland is the old model..(grandma’s model??)…which is used not only by the old men/women…but also the younger…
    here in indonesia..only old people are using that kind of bicycle…and I must say that the young people will be shy to ride on that kind of old models of bicycle..
    my question is that..why new model of bicycle is not commonly used in holland? I saw in paris and spain..the rented bicycle on the street are new models..

    the other thing surprissed me during my visit to holland was when I asked son of my friend there…that he prefer to buy another bicycle to know that he lost the key of of his bicycle…and I saw his old bicycle was still locked on in front of his apartment..but he lost his key.. 😀
    so probably many bicycles in holland which are locked are being left there by the owners because the same things as son of my friend…

    nice pics jos and ambar!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Andi,

      I think because it is a classical bicycle and cycling with this oma fiets you have a relaxing position and do not have to use your hands for braking. Young people are shy because not everybody is using it and afraid being talked by other youngsters. In Germany not every young people use bicycle too. I had friend that take a car for a trip that take 15 minutes walking! As I said, the old one is a classical one and are loved by people here in Holland. Strange what happen to your friends in Holland.

      Thank you for your comment Andi!

      Sari and Jos

  33. Zorica Says:

    Very interesting and beautiful. It seems that people living on the bike.

    • Ambarum Sari Says:

      Dear Zorica, thank you for leaving a comment. Yes they seem living on the bike or with their bike 😉



  34. Carlos German Balza C Says:

    Dear Ambarum Sari, I congratulate you my friend and wish you success…

  35. Carlos German Balza C Says:

    Always it is good to be employed at groups because they are different visions

  36. Bjoern Maletz Says:

    Hi sari, hi jos,
    really a nice series of a moving theme. great work of both of you.
    all the best wishes,

  37. Harald Benz Says:

    Love it. Great shots.
    Indeed, the Netherlands are a flat country but don’t underestimate the wind there!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Harald,

      thank you very much. We like your work too!! Yes the wind here can be pretty strong.


      Jos and Sari

  38. Mário Serôdio Says:

    Just great! It is not easy to write in english everything that I like in your work. Very good photos. Thank you for sharing.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Mario,

      for me it is also not easy, but putting down what you think is much more difficult. Thank you for visiting and leaving a comment!

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  39. Carlos Ramos Says:

    Nice Work.
    Love the mood of the shots.
    Dear Sari, my congratulations for your contribuition.
    Great pictures!!

  40. HarTantyo Says:

    A very nice setting of photo concept ! I just remember my Physic Science lecturer from Netherlands Mr Ed van DenBerg who has cycling hobby in Salatiga-Central of Java 20 years ago in Christian University Satya Wacana.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Thank you pak HarTantyo for the comment. Salatiga is not that hot comparing with other cities in Java.

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  41. Tim Says:

    I love the picture of the couple kissing and the snowy one too. After looking at this I think I see bicycles in a more personal way instead of just another means of transportation.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dearest Tim,

      thank you very much and we are pleased you like those pictures. It is fun to see different people cycling every time.


      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  42. Raymond Says:

    Dear Jos and Sari, Great essay and the photos. My congratulations!

  43. Anna Says:

    Wonderful photoessey, fantastic idea and great photos!!!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dearest Anna,

      thank you for your time leaving a comment on this post of us!

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  44. Antonio Torkio Says:

    Dear Sari

    I speak bad english
    but your shots remember Bresson and Doisneau
    congratulation for this job!

    • Ambarum Sari Says:

      Dear Antonio,

      WOW! Thanks for your impression and comparing our images with those masters.

      best regards,


  45. Carlos Cortes Rubio Says:

    Great job Ambarum, thank you very much for sharing. I wish you well and get a greeting from the largest and most populous city in the world.

    • Ambarum Sari Says:

      Dear Carlos Cortes Rubio,

      thank you very much for taking time seeing our post and leaving a comment.

      greetings from a little town in Holland,


  46. seno adam ones Says:

    wow….amazing…..two thumbs up!!
    very interesting and great pictures

  47. Steve Smith Says:

    This bike photo entry is superb. I visited Amsterdam when I was 20 and have always held a strong affinity for the Dutch (and Chinese) because of that concept and use of the bike. I fell in love with the spirit behind the roving bikes. Here, in America, many succumb to peer pressure and the car manufacturers pitiful marketing; foolishly thinking they need SUVs for transport and wasting valuable resources. This superb collection of photos is much more rational and immensely beautiful; thank you!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Steve,

      many thanks for leaving comments. In our country Indonesia, people using bicycle will not have a prestige status-until recently, now there is a change. More people going out on weekend with bicycle.

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

      • Steve Smith Says:

        You are welcome and thank you for sharing these superb photos. Ironically, things come in full circle. A handful in America are currently using bikes as inner city transport. Cities are increasingly building in bike paths that share equal access and rights as vehicles. I was down on Delaware Ave in Philadelphia, Pa yesterday. This once decrepit 6 to 8 lane road in a once industrial part of the city has been repaved and has bike paths! Pine St also has them. Slowly but surely people here are becoming smarter.

  48. Dorival Moreira Says:

    Olá! Fotos maravilhosas, adoro o tema, gostei das composições e tratamentos, parabéns a todos os fotógrafos.
    Um abraço
    Dorival Moreira

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Caro Dorival, muito obrigado por ter deixado uma impressão em nossas imagens.

      com calorosas saudações,

      Jos Runarka e Ambarum Sari

  49. Agnese Gottifredi Says:

    Dear Sari,

    Nice work,
    It represents a lifestyle that fascinated me when I visited Amsterdam.

    I like all pictures. Congratulations..!!

    • Ambarum Sari Says:

      Dear Agnese,

      many thanks for your comment. Yes Amsterdam wouldn’t be much different.



  50. Tracy Says:

    Such beautiful pictures that tell a wonderfully informative story about bicycling in the Netherlands!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dearest Tracy,

      many thanks for your visit and posting of our latest posting! We are happy you like this post. Thanks again!!

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  51. Eelco Says:

    Hey Jos,
    there are some great shots in this series. Great job! Makes me want to pick up my camera!


  52. Johan T Says:

    If you visit jakarta, you may take other similar photos series. As you notice, we have different problems, motorcycle. Jakarta has more than 5 millions now, and it keeps growing. Your photos series remind me to take a picture of that chaotic. Since we don’t have an alternative of a better transportation, we have to accept that. he2…

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Pak Johan,

      a pitty we always have not a lot time to cover that kind of moving vehicle. I believe somebody has already cover that matter. No, we don’t have to accept anything, people minds are changing in Jakarta. Lot’s of cyclist are gathering in the weekend to do sport together. Small steps, better than nothing.

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka

  53. Arjan Onderdenwijngaard Says:

    Very beautifull, oh so very Dutch series on bicycles and cycling.

  54. Hartati Nurwijaya Says:

    Those fotos can be bestseller books’ all about bikes and riding or non pollution tranportations.

    Bravo! Amazing works!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Hartati,

      thank you for the compliment. We are happy you like it the way we see it. Indeed it should be more done for the environment, at least for a healthy environment!


      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  55. erwin flohr Says:

    I enjoyed this series a lot, Jos & Sari.

  56. Thai MAI VAN Says:

    Hello Sari!

    Thank you very much for sharing with us these great black and white photos art about bike riders in The Netherland! I have visited Amsterdam, Den Haag and Roterdam and I also did bike when visiting the city! that was interesting because i felt totally free and i could stop to enjoy the sight seeings!

    Thank you and best wishes!

    • Ambarum Sari Says:

      Hello Thai MAI VAN,

      thanks for your visit and sharing your experience in this country. Yes, bicycle are comfortable in that case, because you can stop everywhere and do not have to think where to park.

      best wishes to you too,

      Sari and Jos

  57. Deddy Mansyur Says:

    Great pictures and I really enjoy reading this blog. It is great to live in a city with people who appreciate a simple thing such as this type of transporation riding a bicycle to work, school, market or anyplace. Great job!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Deddy,

      thanks a lot! We, human should rethink on how we work, move. The climate in The Netherlands doesn’t stop people using bicycle. It would create a better atmosphere in the city.

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  58. jon van gilder Says:

    Keep up the good work – I very much enjoyed this series!


    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Jon van Gilder,

      many thanks for your visit and your impression on our work.

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  59. Ozukaru Rodriguez Says:

    Dear Sari, it is a pleasure to see your pictures that say so much with such simplicity, which leaves me speechless, congratulations and thanks for sharing your art. Sorry my bad english

  60. Katrin Says:

    good thematic concept jos… i like it very much…sharp and nice bw pic..congrat to jos and sari….two thumb for u both..

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Katrin,

      thank you very much for your kind comment and visit! Coincidental it is a match for Earth Day…hope people rethink the way they move and live…

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  61. Tom Warner Says:

    Great entry! Bicycles are the way to go. They help keep the heart and lower body muscles in shape, are very efficient, and are in step with the environment. The photos are great and I enjoyed viewing them.

    • Ambarum Sari Says:

      Dear Tom,

      many thanks for giving your time visiting and leaving your impressions on our post. We are happy you like this story.

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  62. Sandra Cailliau Says:

    Dear Sari!
    Finally… That’s what I would call ” The Real Wheel Power”… 🙂 Black and white to make it last forever …Loving them all…If the pics could go on a exposition , I would display them in a circle, hearing the song from Yves Montand ” A bicyclette “. Lovely Done. Regards. Sandra.

    • Ambarum Sari Says:

      Dear Sandra,

      thank you very much for your compliments and time visiting our blog. This is an on going project and thank you very much for your suggestion about the exhibition.

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  63. Karina Says:

    i heart this set! specially “Cyclist in a rainy day” 🙂

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Karina,

      thank you very much for leaving an impression on our post. Even the weather doesn’t stop them using bicycle!

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  64. Alex Wright Says:

    Great subject, great pics!!! I was born in Belgium (Brugge) so I know how much dutch people use bicycles 🙂 I really enjoyed all of them!!!!! Thanks for sharing all this work!! 🙂

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Alex,

      thank you very much!! We appreciate very much your comment and impression on our post!!

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  65. Takumi Usami Says:

    Hi, Jos & Sari

    Thanks for good captures about Dutch town scape and lovely cyclists!
    I used to ride my bicycle when I lived in Tokyo, and I really loved the dush feeling & view from saddle…
    Unfortunately,Here the terrible traffic in Hong Kong mid city.
    I’m missing the exhilarate pedaling recently.

    I think you understand the motion of cyclists very well same as your camera operation. So you could capture a running background of pedaling cyclists so naturally!! It’s wonderful!!


    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Takumi San,

      thank you for the kind words and sharing your experience with bicycle. Situation in big cities can be very difficult and dangerous too for the average cyclist. Here in The Netherlands, towns are not that big and they have plenty of special track for bicycle. Yes knowing the speed and track they move help to took the shots.

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  66. bruno manno Says:

    bravo very nice series, nice composition, black & white and the timing is often just.


  67. kfsch (engraver) Says:

    I know your work from flickr and I admire them very much.
    Now i discover your wonderful photoblog!


  68. Daniel Says:

    Had a good chuckle looking at these photographs, I have a Dutch friend who constantly tells me how he’s missing his bicycle (He’s stuck here in South Africa), now I know why!

    – Daniel

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