Cold Under Our Feet…

Falling snow can be a wonderful experience but also a nightmare for everybody if an excess  amount of snow fall down to earth. In 2010 Europe face one of the worst snow fall ever remembered in 100 years. Flights has to be canceled, train will not ride and cars face problem because there is not enough done to clean the road from snow. People has to do also their daily activity, going and doing their work, children go to school, buying things with small children and this can be a burden too. They also face burden during their travel to stations and airports.  At the same time people can have a lot of joy and fun with snow.

In 2012 Europe again hit by the coldest winter coming from the East. Even in the Netherlands temperature falls until minus 18 under zero Celcius. In Leiden temperature was 16 degree below zero Celcius. Again the Netherlands as in 2010 is surpriced by the winter. Train network collapsed, traffic jam up to 600 km or even more in the whole country, it took hundreds of victims mostly homeless. Very sad. Southern Europe countries are also hit by this winter. May be we are entering a new ice age soon?

We walk many hours and take pictures, our fingers and camera freeze, get wet. Get scared our gear will entered by the melting water of the snow. Sight was also bad. Snow get into our eyes and our viewfinder gets fog. Our feets gets colder and colder…

Leiden 2012

Old man testing the ice?

Leiden 2012

Survival kit

Leiden 2012

There are a lot of bridges in The Netherlands. Skaters sometimes has to go through a small passage under the bridge, because most of the ice are not thick enough to support them

Leiden 2012

Leiden 2012

Leiden 2012

People crossing the river Ouwe Rijn. Only every 15 years that ice covered the rivers and capable to support ice skaters in the Netherlands.

Leiden 2012

Leiden 2012

Leiden 2012

Leiden 2012

Leiden 2012

Leiden 2012

Leiden 2012

A view to the Planetarium

Leiden 2012

Rapenburg the most beautiful gracht in The Netherlands

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

This is the only picture outside Leiden. A tram driver had to go out and clean the rail in front of the dutch parliament building

The Hague 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2010

Leiden 2009

Leiden 2009

104 Responses to “Cold Under Our Feet…”

  1. Agnese Gottifredi Says:

    Dear Sari and Jos, thank you for sharing your “as always” beautiful works. Also here is very cold this weekend. Last night was -15°.

    A warm greeting.

  2. Frank Armstrong Says:

    Ambarum: enjoyed seeing your winter, and while I can feel you pain about the “cold under your feet” — here in Massachusetts we are “suffering” through the mildest of winters. Love that you shot with flash to show the snow falling. Good work.

  3. Peter Voss Says:

    grandios !

  4. Peter Voss Says:

    Wunderbare Fotos 🙂

  5. marinella Says:

    Wonderful work but now I need a very hot cup of tea, ciao Sari & Jos 🙂

  6. Agus Putu Pranayoga Says:

    it’s been long time not seeing your photo. Always amazing 🙂

  7. Timothy Schulz Says:

    I could spend hours just gazing at these pictures! such amazing scenes. I like the photographs with people just going about their daily routines! But honestly every photo has something to like in it. Thank you so much for sharing this. You guys are warm and wonderful photographers.

  8. Antonio Torkio Says:

    Dear Sari

    you’re right, I do not have much time to visit all of the websites that I like your blog. Many commitments between this and my community, keeps me from doing anything.
    I’ve seen some beautiful pictures with a beautiful conversion to BW … my compliments

  9. Carl Merkin Says:

    Brrrr! Great shots…..I love the shot with the diver. We are still waiting for some snow this year…..very mild winter here. Regards,
    Carl Merkin Photo New York

  10. Isidoros Prinos Says:

    Great series !!

  11. Liz Young Says:

    Wonderful photos Jos & Sari!!!!! I loved them ALL!! Thanks for sharing your beautiful work!!!!

  12. Christian Schmidtke Says:

    sehr schoen!!

  13. Claudia Mayerzedt Says:

    Hallo Jos, danke für den Link, hast wieder wunderbare “Schneegesichter einer Winterstadt” gesammelt, ich liebe ja den Schnee, aber bei uns war er diesen Winter sehr dürftig, wir mussten extra in die Berge fahren…meine Favoriten sind der Stuhl am geforenen Fluss und der verschneite Gastgarten 🙂
    lg Claudia

  14. Irfan A. Tachrir Says:

    wonderful pictures..

  15. Sebastian Lubarski Says:

    Dear Sari and Jos, thank you for sharing !!!!!,Wonderful work,wonderful pictures!!!!

  16. Roman Kravchenko Says:

    All of your pictures that I see tell me about the life of your small town … we too cold -21-24 …
    Roman Kravchenko

  17. Baskoronhbw Says:

    nice pictures Jos! ….

  18. Ozukaru Rodríguez Says:


  19. raytoei Says:

    very nice. i missed this.

  20. Neil Says:

    Jos these are fantastic pictures I like them very much! Snow is ideally suited for B&W interpretation. I know how you feel about the pain of the cold snow. In Bryce Canyon the knuckles in our hands felt like hammers had hit them it was so cold when we were photographing a sunrise. I put the M9 back in the bag and went back to the hotel to warm up, got back to the room after breakfast and took the camera out again and it was still icy to touch! Your pics look like it was even colder where you were. Have you shown these to Andreas H Kauffman? He would be impressed with them I’m sure.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Hi Neil, thank you! No, we didn’t yet show them to Andreas H Kauffman, but may be already does. What worries us is that the sensor get a crack….

  21. blazenkabrysha Says:

    What beautiful photos but the interesting thing is that you can feel the cold, so you actually have a sense of being there. Thanks, Sari and Jos.

    • Ambarum Sari Says:

      Thank you very much Blazenka….glad you can feel the cold from the pictures. Actually we and our gear are wet from snow. If the snow fall stops, then we missed the timming…

  22. komang Says:

    great picture, saya seperti bisa meraskan langsung suasana dalam photo ini.. trims mbk sari udah sharing photonya, kalo ada postingan baru mohon di tag lagi ya.. love this picture 🙂

  23. Andreas Lee Says:

    The atmosphere of each photo is very interesting and telling many story… i always love how you catch the moment… bravo!
    Tante Sari and Om Jos.. 🙂

  24. Charly Oviedo Says:

    Excellent work!!! and great shots!!!

  25. Tom Warner Says:

    Ironically, we have had a very mild winter here in the States. Today, my wife and I were out in short sleeves and it should be cold enough for a warm jacket at least. This season’s weather has been a big change from recent years in many parts of the world,

  26. andi Wibowo Says:

    Jos and ambar….it’been for a long time I did not see your pics…they are amazing…and not making your photogtaphing mood frozen…one thing could say about all those pics….I AM FREEZING!!… It’s nice to live here in indonesia.. 🙂

  27. vero Says:

    great job, as always… I like the pattern composition in some pics.. most of the people in the pics have been taken from behind.. so it’s bit lack of ‘human’ touch.. thanks for sharing! 😉

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Thank you Vero, as you know. Martin Parr and some Magnum photographers took people from behind. Shooting people in Europe should be taken carefully, but we managed in most of our shots -if you see in other collection of our photographs- to take people from the front. Our style are different and we believe that we as photographer should do what we like and want to do and not what people like us to do…Regards from Leiden.

  28. Johan T Says:

    Woow… wonderful. Honestly, I really enjoy every pictures of it. It tells many stories, I love it. Thank you for sharing, Thank god I’m not live in a cold weather country.

  29. Hella Kiss Says:

    wonderful images…!!!

  30. Tomás Badía Says:

    Gran trabajo de documentación con bellas imágenes, hermosa ciudad, felicidades Sari & Jos, un saludo desde Valencia Spain.

  31. budhi m soehono Says:

    Haloo Jos dan Sari.. apa kabar?
    Cuaca disana sangat ekstrim.. salju membeku ya?
    Semoga tidak terlalu lama dan berangsur normal kembali.
    Foto2 nya ok.. disaat suhu seperti itu apa jari2 tidak kaku dan susah menekan tombol kamera?

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Haloo Budhi, kabar baik….ya membeku makanya pakai sarung tangan dengan setengah jari terbuka agar gampang handle kamera. Terima kasih sudah mampir…

  32. Tino Nieto Says:

    Qué bonitas!, todas son una postal.
    Calurosos abrazos desde el Sur de España

  33. rik vandenhende Says:

    beautiful winter photos

  34. gerard tournebize Says:

    congratulation very good pictures!

  35. Pratiwi Says:

    wow.. so cold I can feel the warm of my breath.. mba sari, you always take the people, I love it. and mas Jos, you prefer Landscape I love it too ^-^)y make me easier to reach the coldness you try to tell us. wonderful! (gosh, I’d die there, mbaaaak, don not invite me the during winter lah. no no no..) 😀

  36. Isla de María Says:

    Muchas gracias por enviar..!!! Disfruto mucho vuestras imágenes, capturan momentos singulares de una manera muy artística, ustedes son arte. Pienso en tanto frío y nieve y aquí en Chile verano intenso. Un gran abrazo y mi amistad. Paz.

  37. MAI VAN THAI Says:

    Amazing black and white photos! I love them

  38. maximreiderMaxim Reider Says:

    Thank you for sharing, wonderful photos, reminding me of my city of birth – Saint Petersburg, which was partly inspired by Dutch cities and towns.

  39. Americo Gobbo Says:

    Wonderful shots! I’ve feel a bit cold on my foots!

  40. simoneo333 Says:

    Wonderful series of images.

  41. Dan Anderson Says:

    Such wonderful timeless imagery

  42. Salvatore Ambrosi Says:

    Excellent work, Sari ! Pleased to find you !

  43. maurizio Says:

    pictures talking about life, small visual poems

  44. Araakii Says:

    Man, snow, we don’t get much of that here in the Northwest US. I remember seeing some of the images before, like the bus/tram driver and the last one. The world definitely looks different in white. Keep up the work!

  45. sandra cailliau Says:

    Sorry to be late…Dear Sari and Josh, there is always a hidden but symbolic poetry captured from your eyes in everyday’s life…Seeing it in monochrome makes it timeless and more romantic than ever. Always a Great pleasure for the eyes and leaving a warm feeling inside. Sending you lots of love and hugs. XXX

  46. manfredkz Says:

    what a great series, my friends, love it! It reminds of Canda, brr! 🙂 Cheers

  47. JustQ4 Says:

    A great series. A lovely overview of the winter atmosphere captured in beautiful black and white.

  48. Dickson Says:

    Wonderful, I love your photos !

  49. Hideki Says:

    Wonderful works as always. They remind me of the cold winter in NYC. A snowscape of the city would be the best situation for listening to contemporary piano. Now I’m in Tokyo and rarely have heavy snow. That’s what I miss most in northern city. Thank you for the inspiration.

  50. Risty Kartika Febrianty Says:

    halo tante sari dan om jos 🙂
    ini risty, temannya Verdy.
    aku suka banget sama blog tante dan om, fotonya bagusbagus banget!

  51. Diba Aris Says:

    Masih mendapatkan foto-foto excellent meski cuaca dingin? Cuma pro photographer yang bisa. hahaha

    • Jos Runarko Says:

      Terima kasih Diba, iya sambil ketar ketir salju masuk kamera dan lensa kami. Kami juga disibukkan membersihkan lensa setiap saat, karena salju turunnya cukup deras. Tapi kami puas mengabadikan momen-momen ini karena tidak akan datang kedua kalinya.

  52. Bagus abimanyu Says:

    Jos dan Sari….foto2 kalian bagus2…..beberapa terlihat perspekstif dan beberapa terlihat aura muram ….kenapa gak mencoba dengan foto berwarna?

  53. Bagus abimanyu Says:

    Jos dan Sari….foto2 kalian bagus2…..beberapa terlihat perspekstif dan beberapa terlihat aura muram ….kenapa gak mencoba dengan foto berwarna?

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