Life Around Us

Needle in Chaos

street photography or taking images of life on the streets (as Winogrand doesn’t like the term Streetphotography) is a difficult genre in photography. The photographer eyes and mind should be aware of interesting moment in the sea of chaos on street. Composing of interesting elements. But does those picture tell something? It just show street life or life.

These are some of our attempts…

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44 Responses to “Life Around Us”

  1. esoegondo Says:

    Nice shadow, nice lighting, right timing n you’re lucky …..:)

  2. Pratiwi Setyaningrum Says:

    see.. look at that conblock! hehe.. so Holland ^_^
    and the baby point of view (on your knee angle – or, what do u ussualy call it?) always make things look different! love it!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Thanks a lot Pratiwi! Yes it is typical dutch scene at least old west European cities. We tried to make images from different views or angles to look for the best….


      Jos and Sari

  3. Tove Ask Says:

    These are professional ART WORK…incredible shots all of them…..!!!!
    Thank you for sharing them all with me….:)..Big hug’s xoxoxo
    BRAVO SAS :):):))))

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Tove,

      thanks for visit and comment. We are pleased you like them ;-)..

      best regards,

      Sari and Jos

  4. Ali Santoso Says:

    I think ….. you should have a patience…composure and passion to wait and took the moment…..
    And I want to say….its a brilliant photos from you…….and its a great to see your ability……I like last photo in the Netherland 2008 and the Netherland 2009 Dog, but i like all of them majorlity.

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Ali,

      thanks for leaving a comment on our pictures. Photography is about seeing and if you see you have to be ready. So sometimes you don’t have to wait for the moment 😉

      Best regards,

      Sari and Jos

  5. Agus Putu Pranayoga Says:

    I like the 1st, 2nd, 3rd,… ah.. I like almost all of these pics !! nice composition !! keep the good work and I’ll be waiting for your exhibition when you back to Indonesia

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Agus,

      thank you very much for your visit and comment. Exhibition? I think it is still to early now, but will be our next step. We might hunt together if you want 😉

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka

  6. gyaista Says:

    Suka sekali mas, favoritku yang nomor 3 dari akhir


  7. Christian Schmidtke Says:

    eine klasse fuer sich!! sehr schoene augenblicke jos!!

    lg christian

  8. Johan T Says:

    Again.., what a brilliant composition. The pictures tell us a story.

    Just wondering, in a western culture do we need to ask a permit to a person (as a photo object) at street photography? Or it’s better take it with a tele lens?

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Johan,

      thanks for leaving a comment and a question ;-)…..No, you don’t have to ask permission if you shoot somebody in PUBLIC places. If they ask, tell them the law (at least in Holland you have a law that states that). I had several discussion with people about that on the street. No problem. We mainly do not use tele lens in our photography. The only longest lens we use is a 90mm and this is used only for selective framing.

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka

  9. Atsushi Takamatsu Says:

    I love your B/W photos!

    You blend into the street and make the story on your film.

    I keep enjoying your blog. Thank you!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Atsushi,

      many thanks for your interest and comments on our blog.

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka

  10. djayawarman alamprabu Says:

    lots of decisive moments captured in superb shot

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Thanks Prabu for your comment and visit. Photography is a journey of our self 🙂


      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  11. Bjoern Maletz Says:

    Dear Sari and Jos,

    your photos have a really great moment, when i look at it, it’s like being there. All photos where shot with a M? Today i hope to become my M9.

    Wish you a nice weekend,

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Bjoern,

      thank you very much for visiting and leaving a comment on our blog. Congratulation with your new M9, hope you enjoy it. Please share what you see through your eyes with us.

      Yes, most of the images was captured with Leica M’s..Have a nice weekend too.


      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  12. ronald agusta Says:

    street photography, ia tidak hanya membicarakan elemen visual; garis, nada, komposisi, irama, kedalaman, warna, bahkan sebuah titik sekalipun; itu semua hanyalah sekedar untuk memyentuh daya tarik awal bagi pemirsanya.

    tetapi street photography bagi saya –seperti yang anda tampilkan– terasa lebih bermakna karena diawali dengan sebuah niat untuk menyampaikan realita bagi para khalayak agar terjadi perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik, baik secara kognitif, afektif, maupun behavioral.

    dan semua yang anda tampilkan di atas, adalah upaya untuk hal yang mulia itu.


    ronald agusta

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Terima kasih atas ulasan yang sangat mendalam tentang street photography. Dalam foto-foto kami, kami mencoba untuk merekam kehidupan disekitar kami untuk menjadi pembanding dengan kehidupan dilingkungan lain yang berbeda. Kami berdua sangat senang memperoleh kesempatan untuk melakukan ini.

      salam dari kami berdua,

      Jos Runarka dan Ambarum Sari

  13. Katrin Says:

    hi jos and sar,
    i think yours street photos getting stronger day by day..technically,’s great..we waiting for your next photo..

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Katrin,

      thank you for always spending your time for looking on our images and also for the last comment of you.


      Jos Runarka and Ambarum Sari

  14. PC Suhartono Says:

    Momment foto2 BW yang bagus2..great foto..salute,

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Bapak PC Suhartono, terima kasih untuk waktunya mengunjungi dan melihat blog kami. Terima kasih juga untuk komentarnya.

      Salam dari Leiden,

      Jos Runarka dan Ambarum Sari

  15. Andreas Lee Says:

    saya senang sekali bisa melihat hasil2 yg begitu memukau dari sebuah foto yg tdk hanya sekedar “gambar” yg dilihat kemudian berlalu bgitu sj tanpa ada sesuatu yg berarti & dikenang.. Foto2 yg d tampilkan d atas, seakan2 bisa bercerita dgn sendirinya dan momentnya yg d ambil begitu berarti…
    well done Jos n Sari… Thx u udh d Share.. 🙂

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Andreas,

      kami senang sekali Anda “melihat” foto-foto kami seperti itu dan terima kasih atas kunjungan dan komentarnya selalu.


      Sari dan Jos

  16. August Parengkuan Says:

    Sharp eyes and feeling taken that pictures. All are good, I love especially the picture (no. 10 ?) somebody on a wheel chair about crossing the railways. It is very touchy

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Mr. August Parengkuan,

      thank you very much for visiting and your time take a look on our images. We are glad you like them.

      best regards,

      Ambarum Sari and Jos Runarka

  17. costalunga luigi anselmo Says:

    is only a matter of seconds if you miss, there will be no other opportunity,
    The number ten is very touchy, report a problem
    the number seventeen is very original, suggesting the tranquility of the city
    the number twenty-four and a major blow, a moment of life in the life
    also other interesting pictures, congratulations to all photographers

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Costa,

      it is also about the photographer state of mind at that moment. The coordination of the eyes, mind and heart plays a great role of how the end result would be.

      Thank you very much for visiting and leaving your impression here!

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka

  18. Howard French Says:

    Lots of fun looking at this work. Great eye, and strong work!

    • Jos Runarka Says:

      Dear Howard,

      good to hear from you again! It is our pleasure to know that you like our work. Thank you very much.

      best regards,

      Jos Runarka

  19. Manfred Jochum Says:

    What a wonderful series of new photos, Jos!

  20. Rita Says:

    Great photos, as always! Congrats!

  21. marinella Says:

    I like.
    And thank you, I know better world around you/me:)))

  22. Tove Ask Says:

    SPEECHLESS……..!!!!!! They are all just gorgeous…wow ..I LOVE THEM so very much…bravo sas……

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